The Genesis Of Shame w/ Pastor Steve Treichler

In this compelling episode, Ken Freire sits down with Steve Treichler (aka Trike), senior pastor of Hope Community Church in the Twin Cities, Minnesota. Together, they explore the origin of shame through Genesis chapters 1-3 and how understanding this foundational narrative transforms our understanding of sin, shame, and redemption.


  • The Framework of Scripture: Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Restoration. How Genesis 1-3 sets the stage for the entire biblical narrative.
  • The Intimacy of Creation: The significance of God breathing life into Adam and the unique creation of Eve as a helper.
  • Shame’s Origin: Adam and Eve’s disobedience, the serpent’s deception, and the immediate impact of shame on their relationship with God and each other.
  • Shame and the Gospel: How Jesus Christ not only pays the penalty for sin but also removes the shame that sin brings, as illustrated in Hebrews 12:2 and the concept of expiation.
  • Practical Advice for Overcoming Shame: The importance of gospel friendships, confessing struggles, and preaching the gospel to yourself daily.

Key Quote:
“Shame is holding onto something that Jesus has already taken. The answer is not trying harder but trusting in the finished work of Christ, who removes both our sin and shame.” — Steve Treichler

Resources Mentioned:

  • Hope Community Church: Visit for sermons, resources, and more.
  • Romans Untangled Podcast: Dive deep into the Book of Romans in a clear, accessible way. Available on all major podcast platforms.

Connect with Steve Treichler:
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Podcast – Romans Untangled

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