From Quick Fixes to True Fulfillment: Finding Purpose Beyond the Moment w/ Ian Simkins

Guest: Ian Simkins, Lead Pastor at The Bridge Church

In this episode of the Shame(less) podcast, host Ken Freire is joined by Ian Simkins to dive deep into the journey from distraction to purpose, especially as it relates to struggles like pornography and lust. Ian draws from his wealth of pastoral experience to unpack why so many men, even within the church, struggle with distraction and sin. Together, they explore how a lack of purpose leads to these struggles and how embracing God-given purpose can break the cycle.

Key Topics Discussed:

  • Why men often use distractions like pornography to fill the void of purpose.
  • How presence and intimacy with God fuel a meaningful life and strengthen against sin.
  • The importance of embracing the mundane and living intentionally in the “sacred ordinary.”
  • Practical steps for breaking free from distraction and cultivating intimacy with God.
  • Why community and accountability are essential for overcoming shame and living with purpose.

Ian also shares wisdom from scripture, including how living as “beloved sons of God” reframes everything, from our ambitions to our daily actions. Whether you’re looking to overcome shame, break free from distractions, or discover a deeper purpose, this episode offers spiritual insights and actionable steps to help you stand strong and live on mission.

Resources Mentioned:

  • The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence
  • Fighting Shadows by Jeff Bethke and Jon Tyson

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