Scriptures to Pray Over Your Children

Our children are our greatest blessing from God. Our relationship with them brings us so much joy, and we long to see them flourish. 

But we know that our children are going out into a challenging world. We know that even in their day-to-day lives as children, they face many battles and dangers.

Whether we are hearing about mental health struggles among children or the latest online threat, there seem to be challenges around every corner.

But, as believers, we know we do not send our children out into the world alone. They go with the love and protection of God and the guidance of Jesus, that they can call on whenever they need it. 

And we, too can play our part in supporting our children by committing to regularly praying for them. Our prayers have the power to change everything, and yet how often do we forget to bring our children, whom we love so much, to God in prayer?

To support you as you pray for your children, here are some prayers inspired by scripture to pray over your children today.

Prayer for Children

Prayers for Direction and Purpose 

There is nothing more valuable in our lives than a sense of meaning and purpose to know what we are created for. 

With a sense of meaning and purpose, many of the other temptations of the world lose their influence. 

Praying for direction and purpose over your child also reassures them of God’s provision and that they can trust God to lead them in life.

‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future’

Jeremiah 29:11

“Lord God, I thank you that you know the plans you have for my child, that their ever step is already known to you. 

I pray that you would give my child your guidance that you would walk with them each and every day. 

May they know the plans you have for them and delight in following your path. May they know what they were created for and live with purpose and joy.

 In Jesus Name. Amen.”

Prayers for Protection from Harm 

We all have fears for our children, and sometimes it can feel like there are dangers around every corner. When fears arise, use them as a prompt to pray for protection for your children and for God’s safety in all they do.

‘No weapon that is fashioned against you shall prosper, and you shall confute every tongue that rises up against you in judgement’

Isaiah 54:17

“Almighty God, thank you that you know and love my precious child. Thank you for your constant presence with them and your protection over their lives.

 Wherever my child goes, go with them, Lord. May they never walk into danger or face any threat. In danger, may you shield them. In times of fear, may you protect them. 

Watch over them, Lord, in every moment of their lives.

 In Jesus Name, Amen.”

Prayers for Confidence and Assurance of God’s Love

The foundation of a child’s sense of confidence is understanding their value before God as well as in their family and in the wider community. 

It is vital to pray that your child will know their own value and how precious they are, deep inside themselves. 

Praying for inner confidence and assurance of God’s love can support this healthy sense of value in their life and give them a sense of resilience when difficult times come.

‘I will give thanks and praise to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are Your works, and my soul knows it very well’

Psalm 139:14

“Loving God, thank you for the unique and special person you have made my child to be.

May they know deep within their hearts that you make no mistakes in your creation. May they know how precious they are in your sight. 

May they go out into the world with this assurance, ready to share all that you have given them for the good of the world around them.

 In Jesus’ name. Amen.”

Prayers For When They Face Challenges

In our modern world, the challenges facing children seem to be growing each day. Whether they are struggling with friendships or finding life at school difficult, holding your child up in prayer makes all the difference.

Praying with your child in the face of challenges reminds them that God is always there to turn to. It models a vital part of our walk with God, bringing everything to God in prayer. 

Whenever a new challenge arises, draw upon this scripture and prayer to support your child with any issue they may face.

‘Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff comfort me’

Psalm 23:4

“Lord God, our Shepherd, thank you that in whatever challenges life brings, you are with us. Thank you that you are ready to guide and lead us whenever we call. 

In the challenges facing my child, give them your strength. Give them resilience and wisdom to overcome the challenges they face. Make them stronger for every obstacle they overcome. 

In Jesus’ name. Amen.”

Prayers for Knowing God

And finally, there is nothing more important to pray for your child than for a living faith in Jesus. As believers, we know this is the foundation of everything we do. 

As a parent, we play a vital role in bringing our children to God through our teaching, our example, and our prayers. 

You might consider starting each day with a prayer for your child’s growing faith, wherever they might be on that journey right now.

‘Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you’

James 4:8

“Loving Father, there is no greater joy in life than to know you, no greater purpose than to seek you out. May my child discover the joy of knowing you, and may they grow in that knowledge each and every day.

When they stray far from you, never cease to call them home. When they are close to you, may they know the deep joy of being in your presence.

May you walk with them every day of their lives.

In Jesus name, Amen.”

As parents, we do many things each day for our children, and yet sometimes, we neglect to do the most vital thing of all: holding them before God in prayer. 

I hope these prayers inspire you to pray for and with your children each day, confident that what you sow in prayer will bring much fruit in your children’s lives.

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Bryan E. Robinson

Bryan E. Robinson is a U.S. Army veteran and founder of,, and Bryan is a spiritual warrior whose goal is to get God’s Word in front of as many people as possible through digital channels.