How to Start a Christian Podcast

In today’s digital age, sharing your Christian message has never been more accessible. Thanks to platforms like Spotify, you don’t need a big budget or a technical background to start your podcast. If you have an iPhone, a passion for sharing God’s Word, and a message you want to share with the world, you’re already well on your way. Here’s how to get started with your Christian podcast using Spotify for Podcasters and your iPhone.

1. Define Your Mission and Audience

Before you hit the record button, spend some time in prayer and reflection. Why are you starting this podcast? Who is your target audience? Whether it’s for youth, parents, or those seeking spiritual guidance, having a clear understanding of your mission and audience will guide your content creation process.

2. Plan Your Content

Map out the initial episodes of your podcast. Decide on the themes, scriptures, or topics you’d like to tackle. Will you have guests? How often will you release episodes? Weekly? Bi-weekly? Monthly? A content calendar can help you stay organized and consistent.

3. Setting Up Your iPhone for Recording

Your iPhone’s built-in microphone is surprisingly capable, especially for starting out. But for the best sound quality:

  • Use headphones to prevent any background noise.
  • Find a quiet space to record. Soft surroundings like a room with carpets or curtains can help reduce echo.
  • Consider investing in an external microphone that connects to your iPhone for enhanced audio quality.

For my first podcast, I recorded it on Spotify Anchor (now Spotify for Podcasters), in my vehicle. Surprisingly the sound quality was really good.

Here are instructions on how to record a podcast using the Spotify for Podcasters app, and subsequently distribute it on Spotify:

4. Download and Set Up the Spotify for Podcasters App on Your Device

  • Head to your device’s app store (iOS or Android) and download the Spotify for Podcasters app.
  • Once installed, open the app and sign up or log in.

5. Start a New Podcast

  • Tap on the ‘Create a podcast’ option.
  • Provide necessary details like podcast name, description, and artwork.

6. Recording Your Episode

  • On the Spotify for Podcasters dashboard, tap the ‘Record’ button (it looks like a microphone).
  • You’ll be prompted to give the app permission to access your device’s microphone. Allow it.
  • Press the big red button to start recording. Speak clearly and at a consistent volume.
  • When you’re finished, tap the stop button.

6. Editing Your Recording (optional)

  • After stopping the recording, you’ll have the option to listen to it.
  • Spotify for Podcasters provides basic editing tools. You can trim the start or end of your recording, split a recording into segments, and rearrange those segments.
  • You can also add background music or transitions from Spotify for Podcasters built-in library.

7. Adding Segments or Other Audio

  • If you want to include multiple recordings in one episode or add other audio elements (like an interview), you can record additional segments.
  • After each segment, you’ll have the option to add it to your episode.

8. Publishing Your Episode

  • Once you’re satisfied with your recording and any edits, tap ‘Save’ or ‘Next’.
  • You’ll be prompted to add a title and description for your episode.
  • After providing the necessary details, tap ‘Publish’.

9. Distributing on Spotify

  • If you’re using Spotify for Podcasters, one of the major advantages is its seamless distribution capabilities.
  • When setting up your podcast on Spotify for Podcasters, you’ll be given the option to distribute your episodes to multiple platforms, including Spotify.
  • If you’ve opted for this, once you publish an episode on Spotify for Podcasters, it will automatically be sent to Spotify and any other platforms you’ve selected.

10. Checking Your Episode on Spotify

  • It might take some time (from a few hours to a couple of days) for your episode to appear on Spotify.
  • You can check by searching for your podcast on the Spotify app.

Remember, while Spotify for Podcasters makes the recording and distribution process user-friendly, the key to a successful podcast lies in your content, consistency, and engagement with your audience. Ensure you’re providing value, whether it’s through information, entertainment, or inspiration.

11. Promotion and Engagement

After publishing your podcast, it’s essential to promote it:

  • Share it on your social media channels.
  • Engage with your listeners. Ask for feedback and respond to comments.
  • Consider creating a website or blog to accompany your podcast, providing show notes, scripture references, or related resources.

12. Consistency and Growth

Consistency is key in podcasting. Decide on a release schedule and stick to it. As your podcast grows, listen to feedback and make adjustments as necessary. Seek opportunities to guest on other podcasts or invite others to yours to increase visibility.

13. Keep God at the Center

Remember why you started your podcast. Always keep God at the center of what you do. Get an accountability partner who you can bounce ideas off of. Before you start each recording session, say a prayer, asking for guidance and clarity.


Starting a Christian podcast with Spotify and your iPhone is not only feasible but also straightforward. With a clear mission, consistent effort, and God at the center of your initiative, you have the opportunity to reach hearts and minds worldwide. Now, with these steps in mind, you’re ready to embark on this exciting journey of faith-filled podcasting.

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Bryan E. Robinson

Bryan E. Robinson is a U.S. Army veteran and founder of,, and Bryan is a spiritual warrior whose goal is to get God’s Word in front of as many people as possible through digital channels.