These 55 Bible locations are significant throughout Scripture, representing the movement of people, the sites of important events, and the centers of political and religious power throughout the Biblical period. The modern locations can sometimes cover a broader area than the specific biblical site, especially for regions like Moab and Edom, which were kingdoms in the Biblical period.
From the birthplace of Jesus in Bethlehem to Patmos, where John received visions found in the book of Revelation, these are some of the most mentioned of the many geographic locations throughout scripture.
Bible Location Name | Today’s Location | Verse Reference |
Jerusalem | Jerusalem, Israel | 1 Kings 11:36 |
Bethlehem | Bethlehem, West Bank | Micah 5:2 |
Nazareth | Nazareth, Israel | Luke 1:26 |
Jericho | Jericho, West Bank | Joshua 6:1 |
Damascus | Damascus, Syria | Acts 9:2 |
Antioch | Antakya, Turkey | Acts 11:26 |
Ephesus | Selçuk, Turkey | Acts 18:19 |
Corinth | Corinth, Greece | Acts 18:1 |
Philippi | Near Filippoi, Greece | Acts 16:12 |
Capernaum | Near Kfar Nahum, Israel | Mark 1:21 |
Mount Sinai | Possibly Jabal Musa, Egypt | Exodus 19:11 |
Nineveh | Near Mosul, Iraq | Jonah 1:2 |
Babylon | Near Hillah, Iraq | Daniel 1:1 |
Patmos | Patmos, Greece | Revelation 1:9 |
Gethsemane | Jerusalem, Israel | Matthew 26:36 |
Galilee | Northern Israel | Matthew 4:18 |
Samaria | Near Nablus, West Bank | John 4:4 |
Bethany | Near Jerusalem, West Bank | John 11:1 |
Ai | Near Bethel, West Bank | Joshua 7:2 |
Moab | Central Jordan | Ruth 1:1 |
Edom | Southern Jordan | Genesis 36:1 |
Tyre | Tyre, Lebanon | Ezekiel 26:4 |
Sidon | Sidon, Lebanon | Mark 3:8 |
Hebron | Hebron, West Bank | Genesis 13:18 |
Sinai | Sinai Peninsula, Egypt | Exodus 19:1 |
Joppa | Jaffa, Tel Aviv, Israel | Jonah 1:3 |
Tarsus | Tarsus, Turkey | Acts 9:11 |
Caesarea | Caesarea, Israel | Acts 10:1 |
Thessalonica | Thessaloniki, Greece | Acts 17:1 |
Colossae | Near Denizli, Turkey | Colossians 1:2 |
Crete | Crete, Greece | Titus 1:5 |
Cyrene | Shahhat, Libya | Acts 2:10 |
Macedonia | Northern Greece | Acts 16:9 |
Pergamum | Bergama, Turkey | Revelation 2:12 |
Smyrna | Izmir, Turkey | Revelation 2:8 |
Bethel | Near Al-Bireh, West Bank | Genesis 12:8 |
Gilgal | Near Jericho, West Bank | Joshua 4:19 |
Gomorrah | Near the Dead Sea | Genesis 19:24 |
Sodom | Near the Dead Sea | Genesis 19:1 |
Emmaus | Near Latrun, Israel | Luke 24:13 |
Tarshish | Possibly Tartessos, Spain | Jonah 1:3 |
Laodicea | Near Denizli, Turkey | Revelation 3:14 |
Derbe | Near Karaman, Turkey | Acts 14:6 |
Lystra | Near Hatunsaray, Turkey | Acts 14:8 |
Iconium | Konya, Turkey | Acts 14:1 |
Mt. Carmel | Near Haifa, Israel | 1 Kings 18:20 |
Mt. Nebo | Near Madaba, Jordan | Deuteronomy 34:1 |
Mt. of Olives | Jerusalem, Israel | Acts 1:12 |
Mt. Tabor | Lower Galilee, Israel | Judges 4:6 |
Mt. Zion | Jerusalem, Israel | Psalms 48:2 |
Shechem | Nablus, West Bank | Genesis 12:6 |
Shiloh | Near Nablus, West Bank | Joshua 18:1 |
Susa | Shush, Iran | Esther 1:2 |
Ur | Tell el-Muqayyar, Iraq | Genesis 11:31 |
Zoar | Near the Dead Sea | Genesis 19:22 |