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Scriptures.blog is a repository of scriptures and related Bible content for seekers of spiritual wisdom and guidance. We’ve categorized scriptures topically to help you quickly find the verses you need for comfort, teaching, sharing, and more.


Scriptures about Women

16 Scriptures about Women

Skip to Scriptures about Women The Bible portrays numerous remarkable women whose stories inspire and...
Scriptures about Wisdom

28 Scriptures about Wisdom

Skip to Scriptures about Wisdom Wisdom, according to the Bible, begins with a reverent fear...
Scriptures about Tithing

15 Scriptures about Tithing

Tithing, as taught in the Bible, is the practice of giving a tenth of one’s...
Scriptures about Worship

20 Scriptures about Worship

Worship in the Bible is an integral part of the relationship between God and His...
Scriptures about Salvation

23 Scriptures about Salvation

Salvation in the Bible reveals God’s incredible love and redemptive plan for humanity. The Scriptures...
Scriptures about God's Promises

21 Scriptures about God’s Promises

The Bible is replete with God’s promises, demonstrating His faithfulness and love for humanity. Throughout...
Scriptures about Patience

27 Scriptures about Patience

Patience is a virtue emphasized throughout the Bible as an essential quality for believers. The...
Scriptures about Depression

17 Scriptures about Depression

Depression is a challenging and complex mental health condition that can affect individuals in different...
Scriptures about the Holy Spirit

24 Scriptures about the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is a significant and central figure in the Bible, playing a vital...
Scriptures about Baptism

20 Scriptures about Baptism

Baptism holds significant meaning in the Bible as a sacred act spiritual cleansing and newness...
Scriptures about Family

25 Scriptures about Family

Family holds a significant place in the Bible, as it is a divine institution established...
Scriptures about Blessings

30 Scriptures about Blessings

Blessings hold significant meaning in the Word, reflecting God’s favor, goodness, and divine provision. Throughout...