Samson’s Weakness
Someone once described Samson as a muscle man with a weakness for the ladies.
This single verse that begins chapter 16 of the book of Judges gives me great insight into my own life decisions. I cannot quickly read through this verse to hurriedly complete my daily Bible reading, or “get to the good part”. Christ said that the life is in the words (John 6:63) not only the doctrine and teachings. But if I want to see the life of this amazing Book referred to as the Holy Bible, I must pay attention to every word.
Here enters the simple yet profound lesson for me in this phrase “Then went Samson to Gaza…” Gaza was 25 miles away from his home. My stride is about 3 feet long. 5280 feet in a mile that would be 132,000 feet. It would take me 44,000 steps to cover that distance. I do not know how many strides it took Samson or how long it took him, but to encounter this harlot, that in the end would help to bring him down, was not just a spur of the moment decision, or one reckless decision. No, this was something that happened over time. He had 44,000 chances to change the direction of his life.
There is no single event, good or bad, victory or defeat, blessing or sin in my life that is simply the result of one decision. There were many circumstances, choices, and opportunities that led to whatever state I may find myself.
44,000 decisions to keep looking for this prostitute in Gaza. 44,000 opportunities to do the right thing and go home to his wife.
All too often I want to blame things on the enemy, that sorry rascal the Devil; but he is not all-powerful. He cannot control me nor make my decisions for me. No, if I sin it is because I decided to take 44,000 steps in that direction.
Oh, what a sobering thought. If 44,000 small decisions get me into trouble, I know how to get out – 44,000 small decisions in the other direction.
How Did My Life Get In This Condition?
-Gaza———– 25 miles away
“Then went Samson to Gaza, and saw there an harlot, and went in unto her.” Judges 16:1 -KJV
The truth is, where we are, whether good or bad, is not the result or the fault of just one good or bad decision. Usually there is a series of decisions that lead us to where we find ourselves at any moment.
I wish I could blame my errors or heartache on just one bad decision, but the truth is I cannot.
The beauty of God is that He is always ready to direct our steps, illuminated by His Word. He is just as ready to give us the wisdom and courage necessary to make those right choices that move us in the right direction. If we can make 44,000 steps in the wrong direction without His help, imagine where we can go with Him in 44,000 steps.
Prayer: Dear God, I confess that it has always been my decision. Please forgive me for the small decisions as well as the big ones that have led me away from your will and plan for my life. It will be my decision again today, right now. I choose those steps to draw me closer to You. Thank You for being patient with me and giving me 44,000 opportunities to seek You.